are you living on purpose,
with purpose?



Continuing Support


Miki Shelton

HOLISTIC LIFE and empowerment coach

Welcome! I am so happy you came. If you’re thinking about working with me, you probably want to know a little more about who I am. The basics – I’m a mom, a spouse, a business owner, a coach and an athlete. I’ve been coaching and teaching people for more than 20 years. I’m CrossFit L1, CrossFit Kids and Primal Health coach certified. I personally found my passion and purpose through the sport of CrossFit and the positive physical, mental and emotional changes that helped shape the person I am today. Getting in sync with who I’m meant to be in this life has given me the energy and passion to help others find their way as well. Once you tap into the thing that lights you up inside, there are no barriers. The sky’s the limit!

If you want to know a bit about my personal journey, click the link below.

Small Changes Lead to Big Wins!

Free 5-Day Challenge featuring the Soul Journal

Let’s jump start your journey! My 5-day challenge is meant to give you a launching point from which you can begin to pursue your goals.
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Believe in yourself and your
limitless potential

The joke in my gym goes something like this:

“Hey Coach! How do I get a good time on this workout?”

“Simple. Do it fast and unbroken.”

What the phrase “fast and unbroken” implies is something simple and straightforward.

And indeed, the path to achieving your goal might very well be just that – simple and straightforward.

But you notice I didn’t say it would be easy.

The truth is, doing anything “fast and unbroken” requires a lot of hard work. A lot of consistent, persistent daily effort.

Small daily disciplines that over time add up to something bigger.

The beauty of having a goal that seems bigger than you are today, is that you get to grow to fit the size of the goal!

You are a soul with limitless potential.

Believe that.

Consider some other meanings of these words.

The word “fast” is part of steadfast. An unyielding confidence in and pursuit of your path, no matter how long it takes.

The word “unbroken” speaks for itself. You may need to bow and bend on your path, but you will not break.

Be Fast and Unbroken.

go beyond your limits

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It's never too late to become who you want to be.

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Try my 5-day challenge to jump start your journey!